Quinoa Recipes: Cucumber Tomato Salad

Quinoa recipes are a bit daunting to some, possibly because it is hard to pronounce, and possibly because it is unfamiliar.

However, quinoa can easily replace rice in many dishes (rice pilaf and stuffed bell peppers are two of my favorite examples), and it can be used in dishes that are uniquely delicious.

The best part of quinoa is its nutrient profile. Unlike other grains, quinoa boasts a complete set of essential amino acids - the protein components that your body must get from the foods you eat. That's right, quinoa is a fantastic source of protein!

My favorite part of this dish, of course, is that I have a two year old who will devour it! My three year old doesn't like the look of tomatoes, however. I'm sure one day, when he decides to try it, he'll like it, too.

This recipe is




This recipe is also








1 small cucumber, diced

2 small plum tomatoes, diced

3 cups cooked quinoa, cooled

3 Tbsp olive oil

3 Tbsp apple cider vinegar

1 Tbsp dill

2 Tbsp agave or honey

1/4 - 1/2 tsp sea salt

1/4 - 1/2 cup red onion, diced (optional)


In a small bowl combine the olive oil, vinegar, sweetener, dill and salt, and whisk thoroughly with a fork. In a large bowl, combine the cucumber, tomato, quinoa, and onion (if desired). Add the dressing and stir thoroughly. Will stay in the fridge well for up to 24 hours, but is best eaten fresh.

You can substitute 2 cans of tuna for the quinoa for a nice tuna salad.

Serves 4-8, depending on whether it is the main dish or a side. Then again, when my two year old is at the table, it serves 2-3.

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