Healthy Chili Recipe

Eating chili during the Superbowl has become a welcome tradition in our home, so of course, a healthy chili recipe is a must.

Not to mention that chili is a great crockpot meal, freezer meal, and all-around comfort food.

This recipe is a vegetarian chili derived from several vegetarian chili recipes, and tweaked to be just what our family loves. You'll enjoy it so much, and feel so great after you eat it, that you'll never go back to that powdered mix again!

Shredding the carrot and chopping the broccoli florets very small creates a consistency that is more like a chili than a stew.

The great thing about this chili is that it can be tweaked to suit your family's tastes: white potatoes can be substituted for sweet potatoes, reduce or omit the jalapenos, add a cup or two of corn, try some salsa in place of some of the diced tomatoes...

Eat it straight out of a bowl, or serve over baked potatoes, or brown rice; or make your own version of chili-mac.

Top with cheese, onion, sour cream, and/or avocado.

Let me know what tweaks you make! Share below...

This recipe is




This recipe is also







2 cups dried beans, soaked over night - I use a combination of white and black beans

2 large carrots, peeled and shredded

1 green pepper, diced

1 onion, diced

2 cups broccoli florets, chopped small

1 large sweet potato, peeled and chopped

1 jalapeno, seeded and diced

4 cloves of garlic, minced

approximately 56 ounces diced tomatoes with juice

4 tbsp chili powder

1 tbsp dried oregano

1/2 tsp sea salt


Cook all ingredients in a crockpot on low for 8 hours until potatoes are soft. Mix well. Add broth, or vent the crockpot lid to make the chili thinner or thicker to suit your preference.

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